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Indiana Legislative Insight is the only publication focused exclusively on what’s happening in Indiana state politics and government – and why and how it affects you, and what to expect.

This newsletter, published since 1989, brings you detailed insider information about the people and politics that interact to shape policy. Behind-the-scenes information and analysis offers an informed and independent examination of politics and policy that enables you to plan your legislative, political, and business strategies.

Indiana Legislative Insight Newsletter

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Whether it is dissections of legislative leadership contests and deal-making; gubernatorial and state agency staffing and decision-making; or news from the courts, business, and economic worlds that would otherwise go unreported or without context, this newsletter offers unbiased reporting and perspective that you won’t find elsewhere.

Recent News

  • Indiana Legislative Insight

The state of the state race

October 11th, 2024|

Demos seek leverage, cash from events, polling Democrats are beginning to feel optimistic about their chances in the gubernatorial race this fall, a prospect that would have been unthinkable back in early May . . . but we are [...]

  • Indiana Legislative Insight

Holcomb’s 6th appellate judge

September 27th, 2024|

Republican CoA jurists now double Democrat-appointed judges Governor Eric Holcomb (R) appoints Judge Mary A. DeBoer of the Porter County Circuit Court No. 1 to the Indiana Court of Appeals. The Valparaiso resident will succeed retired judge Patricia A. [...]

  • Indiana Legislative Insight

Noel contendere

September 18th, 2024|

GOP political heavyweight pleads guilty to 27 felonies, but . . . At a Monday plea change hearing, former Clark County sheriff Jamey Noel (R) pleads guilty to 27 felony charges under a plea negotiation which would see four [...]

  • Indiana Legislative Insight

Victory for IRTL Victory Fun

August 30th, 2024|

Corporations may contribute to independent expenditure PACs In a First Amendment pre-enforcement challenge to Indiana campaign-finance restrictions that prohibit corporations from making contributions to independent-expenditure political action committees (commonly known as super PACs), a U.S. Court of Appeals for [...]