

College enrollment bumps again

Second-year increase in college enrollment, more non-IN student Overall enrollment in Indiana’s public higher education institutions increases for a second consecutive year – marking again the highest year-over-year increase since 2010 when college enrollment numbers entered the downward trajectory [...]

November 15th, 2024|Indiana Education Insight|

Red tide swamps IN women

Harris, McCormick, McCray, Wells all lose; supermajority intact Two years ago analysts puzzled over why Hoosiers – particularly women – didn’t rebel against the Republican legislative supermajority just two months removed from passage of a strict abortion ban . [...]

November 15th, 2024|Indiana Legislative Insight|

School threats wreak havoc

Uptick in false threats statewide cause school-day disruptions A seemingly never-ending string of threats of violence against schools has been plaguing districts across the state for the last three weeks now – part of a disturbing national trend of [...]

October 11th, 2024|Indiana Education Insight|

The state of the state race

Demos seek leverage, cash from events, polling Democrats are beginning to feel optimistic about their chances in the gubernatorial race this fall, a prospect that would have been unthinkable back in early May . . . but we are [...]

October 11th, 2024|Indiana Legislative Insight|

Rising stakes in casino move

Could new land in trust deal impact Full House transfer to New Haven? We seemed to have opened a veritable Pandora’s Box with our exclusive report that Full House Resorts, Inc. was exploring a legislative move of its tiny [...]

September 27th, 2024|Indiana Gaming Insight|

A worrisome FIRSST meeting

Lawmakers ponder Community Crossings, road funding formula “I may have just heard, for the first time in eight years, that Community Crossings was ill-conceived,” Rep. Ed Soliday (R) of Valparaiso needles. “Are you sure [your] presentation isn’t really that [...]

September 27th, 2024|Indiana Transportation Insight|

Data-driven decisions

IDOE hopes data will inspire changes to decrease absenteeism State education officials hope laying out all the data on student absences will help better paint the picture convincing schools, parents, and local communities to work to combat chronic absenteeism. [...]

September 27th, 2024|Indiana Education Insight|
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